Space is The Place
Diaspora Vibe Gallery
August 14 - September 25, 2008
Diaspora Vibe Gallery presents a group exhibition of time-based art by artists based in Miami and throughout the U.S. Featuring, video, installation, sound, and performance, Space is the Place presents new artworks that reside primarily in the memory, as opposed to more concrete and tangible art forms. Curated by Ayanna Jolivet Mccloud, Space is the Place examines the move by many artists to locate meaning in ephemerality, and the social and cultural implications.
Highlights from Space is the Place include a live low frequency radio broadcast by Miami collective Talking Head Transmitters (Eugenia Vargas Pereira and Odalis Valdivieso) on opening night; new sound art by Odie Rynell Cash, Elizabeth Ross, Russell Watson site-specific installations by Miami-based artists Patrick de Castro, Jamilah Abdul-Sabur, Juan Griego; mixed-media works by D. Denenge Akpem, and Rosamond S. King; new video by Rosemary Berríos, Bibi Calderaro, Diana-Sofia Estrada, Fulana (Lisandra Ramos-Grullón, Cristina Ibarra, Andrea Thome, and Marlène Ramírez-Cancio), Claudia Joskowicz, Lara Stein Pardo, and Carolina Vasquez; a film installation by Miami-based artist Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez; live interactive video feed by New York/ Chicago based artists Inge Hoonte and Michelle Tupko; and sonic sculptures by Brooklyn-based artist Jorge Rojas.